What’s New What’s New in v1.3.5 Version 1.3.5 is a quick-fix update that makes Mac F2C compatible with CodeWarrior IDE v2 and Metrowerks Standard Library version 2.1.2 (as distributed on the CW Pro 1 CD). Version 1.3.5 unfortunately breaks the support found in v1.3.4 for the MrC plug-in compiler for CodeWarrior. However, the MrC project files from version 1.3.4 (compatible with IDE v1.7.4) are included to allow you to update them for IDE v2 and install MrC support manually. I hope to release a MrC savvy release compatible with IDE v2 in the near future. What’s New in v1.3.4 Version 1.3.4 is only found on the CW Pro 1 CD. By mistake, it does not support CW IDE v2 (only the older CW IDE v1.7.4), so it is incompatible with CW Pro 1. For this reason, v1.3.4 was never release on the internet. Version 1.3.4 is a minor update that makes Mac F2C compatible with the Metrowerks Standard Library version 2.1.1 as distributed on the CW12 CD. The Metrowerks Standard Library has replaced the Plauger Library as the ANSI library used by CodeWarrior. Note that the naming conventions used by MSL version 2.1.1 differ from those of previous versions. Version 1.3.4 also includes support for the MrC plug-in compiler for CodeWarrior. Corresponding library project files and stationary are included. The Mac F2C installer includes an option for installing MrC support if you are installing on a MacOS™ computer with a PowerPC chip. Many thanks to Dirk Fröhling for developing and testing MrC support. What’s New in v1.3.3 Version 1.3.3 is a minor update that makes Mac F2C compatible with the Metrowerks Standard Library used by CodeWarrior IDE v1.7.4 (as distributed on the CW11 CD). The Metrowerks Standard Library has replaced the Plauger Library as the ANSI library used by CodeWarrior. What’s New in v1.3.2 Version 1.3.2 is a minor update that makes Mac F2C compatible with the new project stationary model used by CodeWarrior IDE v1.7 (as distributed on the CW10 CD). What’s New in v1.3.1 Version 1.3.1 is a minor update to version 1.3. The most noteworthy new features and key differences are: • The F2C for MPW package has been improved. • You can now easily adjust the stack size when generating 68K code. This should make it easier for you to deal with those cases in which your translated code crashes because it is blowing-out the stack. See the chapter “When Translated Code Won’t Run” for information on how to use this feature. • Some cosmetic bugs in Mac F2C have been fixed. What’s New in v1.3 Version 1.3 is a major update to version 1.2. The most noteworthy new features and key differences are: • Includes Kris L. Jorgensen’s F2C for MPW package, which provides an MPW tool version of f2c and support for using the MPW versions of CodeWarrior’s compilers to create FORTRAN-based MPW tools. • Comes with an installer application that will build the required Mac F2C support libraries, install support files where your C/C++ compiler can find them, and build the appropriate test application. • Supports the AppleEvents Object Model, so you can use the get/set verbs in an AppleScript to control essentially all of Mac F2C’s options. • Can automatically drive C/C++ project builds using Symantec, THINK, and/or CodeWarrior, even adding generated C/C++ files to your project as required. • Revised support libraries feature improved run-time error trapping and provide built-in support for cooperative multi-tasking. Various bugs in the libraries have been fixed. • Support for the new CodeWarrior Integrated Development Enviornment (IDE, v1.3), including updated v1.3 project files. • Support for the new Symantec C/C++ (v8) for PPC code generation, including versions of the Mac F2C support libraries, model projects, and installation testing material. • Support for the version of THINK C/C++ (68K code generation) that is distributed with Symantec C/C++ v8. • Mac F2C is now even friendlier in the cooperative tasking arena. Numerous bugs have also been fixed. USERS UPGRADING FROM PRIOR VERSIONS: you need to re-install all libraries and project files, including main.c (now called F2Cmain.c) and f2c.h. What’s Included The Mac F2C 1.3.5 distribution set contains the following items:   Mac F2C v1.3.5 Documentation -- This document. It is a stand-alone documentation file describing everything you need to know.   Mac F2C -- the FORTRAN-to-C translator application, version 1.3.1. This is a fat binary containing both 68K and PowerPC native code.   Mac F2C Installer -- an AppleScript application that will set-up Mac F2C for use with either Symantec, THINK, or CodeWarrior C/C++ compilers.   Mac F2C Libraries -- a folder containing the libraries required to support programs translated by F2C. The libF77 library provides floating-point support; the libI77 library provides integer and I/O support. Symantec, THINK, and CodeWarrior project and library files, and MPW makefiles are provided, along with all the source code. These need to be built and installed in the right places.   Test Project ƒ -- a folder containing a test FORTRAN program and the C output produced by Mac F2C. It also contains Symantec, THINK, and CodeWarrior projects and MPW makefiles to compile and run the test program.   CodeWarrior Support -- a folder containing items specifically required to use Mac F2C with Metrowerk’s CodeWarrior C/C++ compiler. This folder contains the following items: • For '(Project Stationary)' -- a folder containing CodeWarrior project stationary files for using C and C++ code generated by Mac F2C. Two files are for producing 68K code, the other two for PPC code. • For 'Mac F2C Support' -- a folder containing files which are required to compile and link code translated by Mac F2C. • CW Install.Lib -- an AppleScript library used by the installer.   Symantec/THINK Support -- a folder containing items specifically required to use Mac F2C with Symantec C/C++ (PPC) and THINK C/C++ (68K) compilers. This folder contains the following items: • SPM Support -- a folder containing support for the Symantec Project Manager (abbreviated SPM). It contains the following: (1) For '(Project Models)', a folder containing model SPM C and C++ projects for using code generated by Mac F2C; and (2) SPM Install.Lib, an AppleScript library used by the installer; and (3) SPM 8.0.4 Project Files, a folder containing SPM 8.0.4 versions of all the CodeWarrior project files and project models (see the SPM documentation for details on how to use these). • TPM Support -- a folder containing support for the THINK Project Manager (abbreviated TPM). It contains the following: (1) For '(Project Models)', a folder containing model TPM C and C++ projects for using code generated by Mac F2C; (2) For 'Standard Libraries', a folder containing versions of THINK’s ANSI, unix, CPlusLib, and IOStreams libraries suitable for use with Mac F2C; (3) TPM Install.Lib, an AppleScript library used by the installer.   F2C for MPW -- a folder containing an MPW-tool version of f2c and support for developing FORTRAN-based tools in conjunction with Metrowerk’s CodeWarrior C/C++ tools for MPW.   Mac F2C Extras -- a folder containing the following: • AT&T Report 149.pdf -- a PDF file containing the AT&T report that serves as a compiler manual for Mac F2C. To read it, use Adobe Acrobat Reader (get it free at Adobe's web site). • F2C CW MPW/ToolServer Tools -- a folder containing tools that drive integrated CodeWarrior-Mac F2C operations from MPW or ToolServer. • Mac F2C AppleEvents -- a folder containing detailed information on how to drive Mac F2C using AppleEvents. This folder includes sample AppleScripts and F2cAETerms.h, a file (which you can include in your own code) that defines Mac F2C’s AE terminology. • Mac F2C and Alpha -- a folder containing Tool Command Language (Tcl) code intended for use the Pete Keleher’s “Alpha” text editor. When loaded into Alpha, this Tcl code will create a new Alpha menu that makes it very easy to manage FORTRAN-based projects using Mac F2C and CodeWarrior.